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Walsh IT Group has been serving the Katy area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

For companies that depend on their computing, the workstation plays an important role. The problem with them is that spending big money on computers that are used for general productivity is not cost effective, but if they don’t have the computing power needed to successfully run the software that your company uses, they won’t do you any good. Today, we will talk a bit about hardware considerations you will need to make when choosing workstation hardware, and the cloud-hosted options that may be a good option for your business. 

Hardware Considerations

Workstation hardware is all over the place. The average office worker isn’t going to need the same type of hardware as an engineer or video editor, so the average workstation’s specs don’t represent what the workstation is primarily used for. You need to consider some variables before you can properly spec out the type of workstation you need to purchase. Some considerations include:

  • What is the workstation going to be used for?
  • Will I need any special components? 
  • What specs will be needed to run all the software that will be used on the workstation?
  • What is the cost?

Obviously your workstation purchases have to be inside your budget, but they also have to easily run the software that you need it to run. For this reason you should have an idea of all the software that is going to be used by the position that you are purchasing the workstation for. This will allow you to be able to know what components you will need to sink money into, and which ones you won’t have to. 

Outside of purchasing hardware for the expected workflow of employees, here are a couple of other variables that need consideration:

  • Operating system - You will want the operating system to be the same as the other workstations. Typically, businesses like to use Microsoft Windows products, and if you have Windows Server OS running your server, it will make it easier to keep everything compatible. 
  • Processing power is key - Regardless of what other components an individual workstation needs, having a processor that handles the perceived workload will avoid problems. There are so many options to choose from, and the prices vary wildly, so be mindful of who you are building the workstation for.
  • Get enough memory - a computer’s RAM makes it possible for it to do more tasks at once. The more RAM you can put in a machine that is designed for productivity, the more efficient the worker can be. Typically 8GB of RAM is standard for most mid-range PCs, but depending on the workload you may want to upgrade that to 16GB.

Virtual Desktop

Another option that many businesses are considering nowadays is what is called a virtual desktop. This is effectively a workstation that you purchase in the cloud. This cuts down on the hardware considerations as all workers need is enough computing to run the virtual machine. Companies are finding that since they are supporting so many remote workers, that giving them the tools they need keeps them more secure and cuts down on capital costs that come with purchasing hardware. 

 The virtual desktop is available around the clock with a password and an internet connection, so if you are wondering what you are going to do with your remote staff, you may be better off looking to the cloud for productivity tools. 

If you would like to learn more about what we can do for your company as far as helping you get the right technology that works for your particular situation, give Walsh IT Group a call today at (832) 295-1445. 

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